Amazon Elastic Container Service vs Google Kubernetes Engine

August 16, 2021

Amazon Elastic Container Service vs Google Kubernetes Engine

When it comes to container orchestration tools, Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) and Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) are two of the most popular options. Both tools provide powerful features to help developers streamline their Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) processes. In this blog post, we will compare Amazon ECS and Google GKE to see which one is the better option for your needs.

Architecture Comparison

Both Amazon ECS and Google GKE are based on the same basic architecture. They both use container images to deploy containers, which are then run on a fleet of virtual machines. However, there are some differences in how the two tools handle scaling, networking, and other important features.


Amazon ECS scales containers by creating new virtual machines (EC2 instances) and launching additional containers on those instances. This approach is simple and straightforward, but it may result in AWS bill surprises.

On the other hand, Google GKE scales containers using a technique called cluster autoscaling. With cluster autoscaling, Google GKE automatically creates new virtual machines as the number of containers increases, and it shuts down virtual machines when they are no longer needed. This approach helps to save on Cloud costs.


Both Amazon ECS and Google GKE offer container-based networking. However, while Amazon ECS provides the AWS VPC network, Google GKE comes with its own Google Cloud VPC network.


Both Amazon ECS and Google GKE offer robust security features to ensure that containers are secure. Both tools integrate with other security tools such as Amazon GuardDuty or Google Cloud Security Command Center. However, some users consider Google GKE to offer stronger and more comprehensive security measures than Amazon ECS.


Pricing is an important factor to consider when choosing between Amazon ECS and Google GKE. Both tools have flexible pricing models, but they can differ significantly in terms of cost.

Amazon ECS pricing is based on the size of the instance, disk usage, and network usage, while Google GKE pricing depends on the size of the cluster, the number of nodes, and the amount of disk space used.

Ease of Use

Both Amazon ECS and Google GKE come with user-friendly interfaces and APIs that are easy to work with. However, Amazon ECS documentation is much easier to understand for beginners. Furthermore, AWS also offers multiple options for deploying containers with ECS, including AWS Fargate, which is specifically designed to help run containers without managing the underlying infrastructure.


In conclusion, both Amazon ECS and Google GKE are great tools for helping streamline the CI/CD process. However, which option is best for you ultimately depends on your specific needs and requirements.

If you're already using AWS, Amazon ECS may be the better option as it seamlessly integrates with other AWS services and offers a range of deployment options. On the other hand, if you are already using Google Cloud Platform and need more robust security features, Google GKE may be the better option.

No matter which tool you choose, both offer powerful capabilities for optimizing your container-based infrastructure.


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